Software factory

Results: 283

31Computing / Software engineering / Computer programming / Method / Technical communication / Cross-platform software / Computer science / Object-oriented programming languages / Constructor / Application programming interface / Factory / Usability

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Language: English - Date: 2007-03-16 14:58:10
32Computer programming / Reactor pattern / Static VAR compensator / Strategy pattern / Event / SVC / Exception handling / Factory / Peer-to-peer / Software design patterns / Software engineering / Computing

Applying Design Patterns to Flexibly Configure Network Services in Distributed Systems Douglas C. Schmidt Department of Electrical & Computer Science

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Language: English - Date: 2000-08-01 23:49:17
33Data security / Computer network security / Threat / Vulnerability / Information security / Network security / Software Engineering Institute / Security information and event management / Cyber Insider Threat / Computer security / Cyberwarfare / Security

WHITE PAPER Securing the Modern Enterprise “Factory:” How to Build an Insider Threat Program. This whitepaper explores the kinds of internal users who are most

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Language: English - Date: 2015-07-20 11:10:08
34Software design patterns / Method / Object-oriented programming / Singleton pattern / Object lifetime / Object / Destructor / Factory method pattern / Constructor / Software engineering / Computer programming / Computing

Object Lifetime Manager A Complementary Pattern for Controlling Object Creation and Destruction David L. Levine and Christopher D. Gill Douglas C. Schmidt

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Language: English - Date: 2000-07-19 14:36:05

Enhancing Software Portability with a Testing and Evaluation Platform Florian Weisshardt, Fraunhofer IPA, , Germany Jannik Kett, Fraunhofer IPA, , Germany

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Language: English - Date: 2015-03-24 11:34:13
    36Computer programming / Mathematical optimization / Constraint satisfaction / Operations research / Quadratic programming / Slack variable / Ada / Constraint Composite Graph / Constraint logic programming / Constraint programming / Software engineering / Computing

    eTaSL/eTC: A constraint-based Task Specification Language and Robot Controller using Expression Graphs Erwin Aertbeli¨en and Joris De Schutter Abstract— This paper presents a new framework for constraint-based task sp

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    Language: English - Date: 2015-03-26 05:06:07
    37Robot / Humanoid robot / Activity recognition / Science / Ambient intelligence / ROS / Speech recognition / Cognitive infocommunications / Care-Providing Robot FRIEND / Artificial intelligence / User interface techniques / Software

    Bootstrapping Humanoid Robot Skills by Extracting Semantic Representations of Human-like Activities from Virtual Reality Karinne Ramirez-Amaro1 , Tetsunari Inamura2 , Emmanuel Dean-Le´on1 , Michael Beetz3 and Gordon Che

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    Language: English - Date: 2015-03-17 10:01:38
    38Computing / Design Patterns / Observer pattern / Object-oriented programming / Chain-of-responsibility pattern / Factory method pattern / Visitor pattern / Mediator pattern / Class / Software design patterns / Software engineering / Computer programming

    Automatic Design Pattern Detection Dirk Heuzeroth Thomas Holl University of Karlsruhe,Germany

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    Language: English - Date: 2013-04-23 05:43:43

    Fábrica de Software Fábrica deSoftware Software Factory

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    Language: Portuguese - Date: 2013-07-22 13:30:15
      40Free software / OpenSUSE / Open Build Service / SUSE Linux distributions / Rolling release / Factory / KDE / Unity / OpenSUSE Project / SUSE Linux / Software / Linux

      openSUSE Development ® Stephan Kulow openSUSE Release Manager

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      Language: English - Date: 2014-12-12 11:37:50